The Englishman who Went Up A Hill and Went Down To Brighton
It is a hard thing to accomplish, this London-to-Brighton Run. Bill might take issue with this, but I think it takes extraordinary concentration, knowing that you will encounter anxiety-producing situations like all of those slow-moving cars in front of you, both ancient and modern, that for one reasons or another you can't pass.

And the hills.
You gain a new respect for hills on the London-to-Brighton. When you or I encounter a mild hill in our cars, the solution is a slight extra pressure on the gas pedal. But in the Run, they know each hill by name.
They anticipate hills, and build speed immediately prior when they can. 
They dread hills when conditions dictate they must be approached slowly.
They curse them, as appropriate. And struggle up them… or don't.
One hill is considered so difficult that a tow is available on demand. This is provided - and sanctioned – by the Run’s organizers.
Other hills are staffed by orange-jacketed officials directing modern traffic to one lane and the veteran cars to the other. In all-too-rare moments of municipal recognition and compassion, some hills are temporarily closed to traffic coming from the South, allowing for one lane up for veteran cars and one lane up for modern cars. But it’s still possible to get stuck behind a veteran slower than you. 

We ducked into the lane for modern traffic more than once on more than one hill just to get round a slow veteran.
There is much encouragement available on hills. The savviest spectators view the Run from the steepest parts of the steepest hills. Some doubtless do this because they know the cars will slow considerably at these points, giving them a longer look. For others, the hills represent an opportunity to participate in the Run by shouting encouragement to some of the laboring motors. I'm told that some spectators even make themselves available for pushing, though I didn't see this.
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Above: Only too happy to oblige: Kenneth More and Kay Kendall get a push in this frame from "Genevieve."